Store Coupons for Returning Customers / Members-Only Coupons

A common sales technique is to create coupons that are only available for customers who have already purchased something from your store. This is a great way to convert your existing customers into repeat buyers.

Using Strikingly's powerful Membership feature and Simple Store coupons, you can launch your own campaign to drive your customers back to your online store! 


Let's get started:


Set up your online store

Adding a store to your site is easy! If you haven't set up your store yet, follow the steps in this article




Create your discount coupons

Once you're done setting up your store, start creating coupons!  These coupons will be distributed to your members via your secure members-only page (we'll deal with that later). You can offer seasonal discounts, or permanent discount codes for your members to encourage them to buy again from your store. 



And here are a few useful tips:

  1. Keep the coupon codes short and easy to remember.
  2. Make it relevant. If it's New Year, offer a coupon code like START2020 or NEWYEAR20. For your Valentine's campaign, use LOVEMYSELF or 14HUGS.
  3. To create a sense of urgency for your customers, create a limited-time coupon by setting an expiration date.

Once your store and coupon setup is done, you can now proceed to activate your site's membership!


Activate your site's membership feature

This step is important to secure your coupon codes and make sure that only repeat customers can have access. In this setting, anyone who purchases from your store automatically becomes a member. 

1. Exit your store manager. From the left panel, click Settings > Membership, or click Audience > Membership.

2. Under Registration Method, choose "Grant Membership to Store Customers" and click "Next". This means that all customers who buy a product will automatically receive a login account and password.



3.  Personalize the email notification that your customers receive when they become members. Everyone loves a personalized message! Go to Settings > Membership > Email Notifications. Click "Edit" under "Notifications sent to member". 


We'd recommend that you keep it short and sweet to not distract your customers from the value that you are offering--discounts on the next purchase. 




Create your member's page

Your member's page will house all coupon codes that you will distribute to your loyal members. This page is secured with individual usernames and passwords. You need to activate multi-pages to set up a members-only page, so let's start with that step!


1. From your site editor, click Settings > Multiple Pages. Activate the multiple pages feature by clicking the green "Activate Multiple Pages" button. 



2. Once activated, exit the settings panel and click "Manage" from the left panel. 


3.  Click the green "Add New Page" button. Type the name of your new page. In this example, we used "Coupons" (so it's easy). 



4. Click the gear icon beside your new member's page, and set it as "members only".



5. On the next window, you can choose "Only registered members who purchased a specific product" and select the product. You can also select other options depending on who the coupon is for.

6. When you're done, click "Back to Site Design" and start adding sections and design your own coupon page. Be creative! 


Test out your new website!

When you're done setting up content for your members-only page, go back to Settings > Membership. Copy and paste the test logins and save them in your notepad. Hit "Publish" and you're live! You can now use the test logins to check your buyer flow.



Try it out! Here's a sample site:  
(Don't worry, you won't get charged if you make purchases!)



Did you know? 

You can also make online courses using Strikingly's membership feature. Check out how to do that here

Send us an email or chat with us if you have any questions!

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