Redeeming your Strikingly Promo Code

On this page:



If you are planning to upgrade

  1. Go to the Pricing Page.
  2. Decide which plan suits you, and click "UPGRADE TO xxx".  

  3. On the "Start Your Free Trial" page, click "Apply promo code".

  4. Enter your promo code, and click “Apply”. You will then see the discount is applied!


  5. Fill out your credit/debit or PayPal, then click “START FREE TRIAL”.



If you are already on a paid account and you want to upgrade

  1. Go to the Pricing Page.
  2. Decide which you are going to upgrade and click “UPGRADE TO xxx”.

  3. On the “Change Your Plan” page, click “Apply promo code”.

  4. Enter your promo code, and click “Apply”. You will then see the discount is applied!


  5. Click “SWITCH TO xxx”! It will charge your billing account on file. If you want to use a different account, visit: How to Update your Billing Information.


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If you need any assistance, you can contact us at or chat with us with your Strikingly account email.

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