19 comentarios
Comentario oficial Thanks for your patience while waiting for a "expand section" functionality. We just released our dropdown menu functionality - which can also be used to organize the content on a growing site.
We'd love to hear your feedback on if the dropdown menu feature helps at all!
Yes, I would like expandable/collapsable sections too please !
Do you have an ETA on this feature? I have very long event agendas. Too much scrolling. The only alternative i see would be to break it up, but then there are too many menu items, unless you add drop down menu functionality.
Hello! You can currently present downloadable files through dropbox or google drive-- here's our tutorial. http://support.strikingly.com/knowledgebase/articles/176613 Expandable sections are a possibility and we're looking at how to bring that while keeping the interface simple. For now, you can create your own with this code that a user made: http://strikinglytips.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/expandable-section-fresh-app-light/ Thank you for your feedback!
Yes please! Like when running a business and you want to include terms and conditions for booking work.
Hi there,
We are developing some features that will help with this really soon. Meantime, one good option is to add a link on the desire text to a pdf online that opens in a new window (uploaded trough Google Drive).
@Trevor are you using Terms and conditions as an example or it's that feature exactly what you need? We are working on this right now so let me know and we can check it together and see if it fits your needs.
I like this idea as well. I'm trying to publish a scientific lab website and love the lack of clutter on the core page, but potential employees always want more information than a teaser, so being able to expand text upon rollover or click would be ideal.
I don't have Trevor's specific needs, but I too would like expandable and collapsible text.
The best example I have seen of expandable text is on the CBS news app I have on my Windows phone.
Thanks for adding this feature Strikingly!
Hey Strickingly, any updates on this? We would like to be able to expand text without having to open up a new page. Just have a link called "MORE..." which will expand the text. Is it in the roadmap and if so, when will it be released?
Hey, Terry! We haven't built it yet but you can check out this site from one of our power users: http://strikinglytips.strikingly.com/expandable-sections
Let us know if this works for you :)
no, not really! Just a simple More or Expand link or button just for more text - nothing fancy needed
Hey, Linda! We'll reach out to you via email. Cheers!
Hello is there news about the expand sections? Would be super helpfull for landing pages! Thanks!!!
Any update on this please? Really need it! Not interested in the power user workaround above - just a simple expand/collpase button! Thanks.
Lots of sites that have FAQs (like mine) use expandable text (click on the question and get the expanded answer, click on another question and the first one collapses). I currently pay for a plugin (POWR) but would much prefer to see this basic capability in Strikingly.
Me too. I asked for this and you said to add my vote here. Here it is ! I agree that this is a basic feature in today's internet, and is aligned with the beautiful, clutter-free sites that Strikingly builds.
David, I'm sure why you guys are dragging your heels on this? I get it, simple and beautiful. How is drop down sections more complicated? you've added a bunch of features that add the same complexity than what all these people and more are requesting.
To me this is an example of being tone deaf. We all love your product and pay money to use it. There are a lot of choices, and still you guys run interference and suggest inferior methods to deploy a simple and basic feature that's everywhere on today's internet?!
That makes me sad, mostly because I'm a huge advocate of your vision, your product and your design. I've sent hundreds of users your way and still do.
Just get this done. A drop down is key for FAQ sections, for details on products, for explanations that are more detailed than the initial section presented... overall this is a big fail on your part considering I see posted dating back to 2015!
The fact that you had your support people blindly respond with the "Drop Down Menu" as a work around for this request shows you either are not reading what your users ae posting here; you're not paying attention to what they are asking; or you simply don't care.
Imagine a FAQ section with 7 or 8 Q&A... how does that look with a drop down menu? Ugly. That's how. Which is exactly why your team should have never even resounded that way.
It's this kind of disconnected communication and attention with your user base which moved us all over to Strikingly, and now we're being dished out the same uninspired reposnses.