Simple Store Shipping Cost for each item

Simple Store should allow each product to have its own shipping cost rules instead of universal rules.  So one particular item may be free shipping but another item in the store may have a shipping cost.

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    Happiness Officer
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    You can now specify shipping fee based on the item weight! You can also add individual product weight, setup weight range and fees. The total cost for shipping will be added in the total price upon checkout. Learn more about it here and see how to set it up here.

    Let me know what you think! 

  • 8
    Rick Tan

    Yes, different products has different weight hence very different shipping cost. We hope to get this feature sorted out soon as we can't be charging a fixed shipping rate for every product. Thanks :)

  • 8
    David Shaw

    Yes, some products cost more to ship while others are lighter and cost less to ship so shipping can not be one universal cost across the board.  This is a must have feature for Simple Store! I hope it an be implemented ASAP! Thanks!

  • 7
    Sandra Martin

    Yes please add this feature because without it the online shop is not fit for purpose. 

  • 7

    I'm based in Canada and you can imagine how much shipping costs vary depending on size and weight of a product and the distance it has to travel. Charging the same cost for all items is both unfair and impractical for both the buyer and the seller.

    Please look into the tool that ebay canada currently uses where you can enter the dimensions and weight of each particular product, and the charge will automatically be calculated based on the shipping address of the person buying it as she or he goes through checkout. On ebay this is available for Canada Post, Fedex, Purolator, et al. 

    I very much hope this feature is made available very soon!

  • 6

    Yes this feature would be great. It's a very different cost to ship from NY to LA than from NY to NJ. and with different weights too. Its hard to choose one flat rate shipping cost for every order to not loose money on the far areas and to not seem like a ridiculous overpriced shipping cost on the close areas. If you could start by different regions in the US and abroad that would be a good start. maybe to make west coast pricing options, midwest, northeast, etc so the pricing can at least be more accurate depending on each zone. Thanks very much!

  • 6

    Agree - not all products are made equal, they wont have to travel same distances, plus some buyers might want to collect them (no shipping fees) OR have them sent via post or have them sent express or by courier (more expensive)... please accomodate for that.

  • 5

    It would be also great if there where different shipping options PER PRODUCT itself.

    Sending with insurance for example can be almost double the price, I would like to let people have their own choice to send it with an insurance or not (and also be transparent about the different)

    would be GREAT 

  • 5

    Yes, I agree!!!!!

  • 4
    Update Websites

    this is essential to make the shop work .. just one simple box to add a postage price adjacent to the item price should be a simple but so effective ... 

    If you can fill the shop will 300 items of any type of product of course there will be different weights, shapes, sizes and values ect ... I cannot actually use this feature until this basic change is made !!!!

  • 5

    From what I know, Shopify has this feature whereby you can set the weight of your product in your store manager and when customers check out the total weight of all the products will be calculated and the final shipping fee will be decided based on the total weight. A feature like this on strikingly would be very useful.

  • 4



    Could anybody from the Strikingly team let us know if this feature would be implemented and if yes, when? I have a mix of different products (which weigh different) for which the shipping costs would vary from product to product. I'm not sure how to make it work since the current system forces a single shipping cost for all the products on the store.


  • 5
    Kyle Moran

    I would like to know if this will be added anytime soon as well
    I really need this feature!

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