Using Your Strikingly Built-in Analytics

Strikingly's Analytics dashboard gives you a view of how many site visitors you have and where (by country) they are from. We also break down the traffic sources - e.g. direct traffic, social media platforms, or traffic from other sites. 


Before You Begin

  • The stats data is not real-time. Please allow up to a few hours of delay for our system to process the raw stats data and reflect the update on the stats diagram.
  • The data shown on Google Analytics might be different from Strikingly's Built-in Analytics. This is because: 
    • The definition of "unique views" on Google Analytics is different from our system. Google Analytics drops cookies on a visitor's browser and uses cookies to decide whether the visitor has visited your site before, while we use IP to determine that. There are pros and cons to both ways, and we choose to use the IP way.
    • For geographic distributions of views/visits, it's possible that our system and Google Analytics use different geo-IP databases and have a slight difference.
    • The time zone used when querying stats data can be different. Our system uses UTC to do the query. However, the analytics displayed are based on your browser. 
    • Some Google Analytics views apply sampling to the stats data if your site has numerous page views, so it can be slightly different from Strikingly stats.


To Use Your Strikingly Built-in Analytics:



Find Your Analytics Dashboard

From your Strikingly Dashboard, click the "x VIEWS LAST 7 DAYS" button next to your site.



If you have more than 10 sites, you can click "View Stats" to see more stats. This is because we want to make sure your dashboard loads faster, so we only load stats from the last 7 days for 10 sites at most.



You can also go to your site editor > "SETTINGS" > "ANALYTICS" to view your site's statistics.




Reading Your Analytics

Analytics Overview

  • Unique Visitors - Past 24 Hours/Week/Month/3 Months - the total count of unique views during the period you choose. You can click the tab on top to choose the period. 
  • Top Country - Where the most visitors came from

Note: Our system considers all visits from the same IP during a certain time period as 1 unique view during that period.

For example, if your site had 3 visits from the same IP yesterday and 4 visits from the same IP today, you would have 1 unique view for yesterday, 1 unique view for today, and 1 unique view (not 2) for the past week from that IP. 



Visitors Analytics

  • Top Pages - the most popular pages.
  • Countries - where visitors are browsing from.
  • Devices - which device are the visitors using: desktop or mobile.
  • Traffic Sources - where visitors are coming from before landing on your site (direct, search engines, etc.).
    • Direct Traffic - visiting your site by manually typing in a URL, rather than coming to your site from another page. 
    • - visiting your site by clicking on your site logo or the “Back to the Site” button on your blog posts and redirected to your site.



Store Analytics

Store Analytics provides valuable insights into your sales performance. Here are some key metrics you can review on your sales report:

  • Revenue - total sales revenue value of all orders at the chosen time and at all times.
  • Order Received - total count of all received orders at the chosen time and at all times.
  • Sales Funnel - which sales funnel drove the most revenue.



Blog Analytics

  • Top Viewed Blog Posts - the most popular blog posts.



Contacts, Signups, Subscriptions Analytics

  • Contact Form Responses - total count of all received responses at the chosen time and at all times.



File Downloads Analytics

  • File Downloads - total count of downloads in the chosen time. 



You can also find the total count of downloads for each file in the editor. 

1. Go to the editor, and open the file uploading window (Visit here to check how to open the file uploading window).

2. Click the "UPLOADED FILES" tab.

3. There's a "Downloads" column that shows the count of downloads.




Feel free to email us or chat with us if you have more questions!


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