Remove Related Videos

How do I remove "related videos" from my embedded video?

It may be unprofessional to have related videos show up after your video is finished playing, but you can remove that by following the steps below:

If you are linking a YouTube video:

1. The URL you start with from Youtube looks like this:


2. Add "&rel=0" (without quotes) after your URL. For example:


3. Paste this link into the video dialog box, and click "Save"!


Only videos from your channel will be displayed at the end of your video.

NOTE: You are just making a few changes to your normal link. You are not pasting the "embed code" from YouTube. (To use the embed code, you would have to paste it into an HTML section, using Pro, and add "?rel=0" at the end of the link.)


If you are linking using a Vimeo video:

Here is a video on how to do it:


For another type, shoot us a line at or chat with us.

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