Free HTTPS & SSL for All Strikingly Sites

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What is HTTPS / SSL and why does it matter?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) lets visitors access your site over HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure), which means the connection between the visitor and your website is encrypted.

  • This gives your site visitors confidence that personal information cannot be viewed by any third party, especially when accepting credit/debit card numbers through your website (e-commerce site).
  • Google favors sites using HTTPS in their search algorithm. Enabling HTTPS improves SEO (search engine optimization) ranking. Read more about it here.
  • Browsers will display a lock icon next to your URL. 
    • Chrome:mceclip1.png
    • Firefox: mceclip0.png
    • Microsoft Edge: mceclip2.png
    • Safari:

 If you don't have a domain yet, you can Buy & Register Your Own Custom Domain.



How do I activate HTTPS / SSL on my custom domain?

All Strikingly sites come with HTTPS / SSL automatically enabled, at no extra cost! This applies to both free sites and premium sites on a custom domain.


[Legacy cases] If you used an old method to connect your custom domain: 

  • If you registered your domain from before April 5, 2018: Please contact support. We'll help you activate HTTPS for your Strikingly domain.
  • If you registered your domain with another registrar, and you connected your domain to Strikingly before November 1, 2017: You will need to update your domain's host records. Please consult the following instructions. 



I connected my domain to my site before November 2017. How do I activate HTTPS / SSL?

You may be using our old CNAME host which is To switch your domain to HTTPS, you’ll need to change your domain's DNS settings (also called "host records") to use our new host. Here’s how:

  • Domain:
    • CNAME: www
      • Old value/host:
      • New value/host: (Format should be site URL +
        Note: is an example and should be changed to your own custom domain.

  • Subdomain:
    • CNAME: subdomain
      • Old value/host:
      • New value/host: (Format should be site URL +
        Note: is an example and should be changed to your own custom subdomain.

(For example, if your domain is, you will need to change your www CNAME setting from to

Note: SSL activation could take up to 48 hours to complete. Be sure to clear your browser cache and history before you check again to see if the site already loads on HTTPS.



What if I'm loading HTTP assets using custom code?

Please keep in mind that if your site is on HTTPS, then all external content must also be on HTTPS for the browser to acknowledge that your site is "Secure". This means that if you load any custom scripts, images, or iframes by writing custom code, those URLs must also be using HTTPS.

For example, if your site is, and you've added this custom code that loads a script using HTTP:

<script src=""> </script>

Then your site will not be "Secure". To fix this, you must use the HTTPS version of the script instead, like this:

<script src=""> </script>



How does Strikingly provide this service?

In the past, installing HTTPS and SSL was a huge pain -- you'd have to purchase an SSL certificate and figure out how to install it on your server. This certificate might cost hundreds of dollars per year. Securing your website should not be this difficult.

We issue HTTPS and SSL from Let'sEncrypt -- it's 100% free, and we'll automatically handle everything for you, from installation to renewal. Let'sEncrypt is an initiative powered by some of the most established companies and organizations on the Internet, from Google to Facebook to Cisco to EFF, to make the entire web more secure.


My SSL certificate expired, what should I do?

Typically, SSL certificates automatically renew themselves, so if you notice that your certificate is expired, please reach out to us at or chat with us. Our team will assist you in extending the validity of your SSL certificate and ensuring that your website remains secure.


Still not working?

If it's been over 48 hours since you changed your domain host settings and your domain is still not loading properly on HTTPS, contact us at or chat with us and include a screenshot of your domain settings so we can help!


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