Release Notes Happiness Officer 0 条评论 0
USER GUIDE (Please, read carefully before starting) Happiness Officer 0 条评论 1
FAQ (About the Idea Forum) Happiness Officer 0 条评论 -1
Sell/Deliver Digital Goods from the Simple Store Andrew 15 条评论 47 已完成
Translate the Simple Store into Dutch Job 1 条评论 1
German language Alexander Tempel 15 条评论 11 已回答
Strikingly in German Happiness Officer 2 条评论 5 已回答
Set German as Site language Vincent 4 条评论 8
Recurring Payments Zach Steinbrook 20 条评论 35 已完成
Please add Taxes tool for EU! Ka Tung cheung budde 1 条评论 0
Add VAT handling in Store Constance 3 条评论 3
Please add Alipay/Wechat method in Simple Store. Cheers. Teow marn li Marn li 1 条评论 0
Product Sale Price Joshua 7 条评论 3
Simple Store Integration with Shipping Services Happiness Officer 0 条评论 2
Review editor & blogger changes before publishing Matthew 1 条评论 0 已回答
Update List before Publishing Happiness Officer 1 条评论 2 已回答
Choosing Background Color Happiness Officer 1 条评论 4 已回答
Have a specific design/holder with big quote-marks ("). Happiness Officer 0 条评论 2
Allow blog settings to modify or add an avatar/icon for blog comments. Happiness Officer 0 条评论 5
Add image/logo as an item on the navigation menu (instead of text). Happiness Officer 0 条评论 0
To have a template/section that has designated space for pictures/products on the right-hand side of the page. Happiness Officer 1 条评论 1 已回答
allow ablity to edit the format, layout, and snippet of blog section for the page that is displayed after clicking 'more post'. Happiness Officer 1 条评论 1 已回答
On the Simple Blog section, is there a way to have a text or description wrap around the video/image the way newspaper display the articles? Happiness Officer 1 条评论 3 已回答
Hungarian Language Happiness Officer 1 条评论 3 已回答
Allow Free Users Free Upgrade to HTTPS Diana Slampyak 3 条评论 5 已回答
Regarding GDPR: Please roll out https (SSL) for all sites Dennis B 1 条评论 3 已回答
Is it possible to consider having HTTPS or secure connection for URL/subdomain? Happiness Officer 1 条评论 3 已回答
Is there a way to remove/disable the 'next' and 'previous' link at the bottom of the blog posts? Happiness Officer 1 条评论 3 已回答
Schedule Blog Posts Michelle Greenman 16 条评论 22 已回答
Display original price cut out next to sale price Eddie 2 条评论 4 已回答