Be able to sort published pictures in albums/folders.

Hi! It would be great if site users could sort all published pictures in albums/folders. At the moment all pictures are together, and you cannot range them by themes. It would be helpful for people who for example are making travel blogs. It would make your page much shorter as well. Maybe the same idea can be applied for videos. I made an example how it could look like for the foto section. Hope for some support! Cheers! Irena

5 条评论

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    Happiness Officer
    Thanks again for your feedback! We’re reviewing this request and will keep you updated if we start working on this feature. Thank you very much for the suggestion!
  • 0
    Karen Vick
    I would like to suggest that the file uploader only displays and provides access to the images for each individual site... In other words, I shouldn't be able to see ALL the images in my uploader if I have multiple sites in my account, I should only be able to see the images I uploaded for the site I'm working on.
  • 0
    Ambrish Verma
    Any updated on this topic or any help regarding, how I can create subfolders for my site?
  • -1
    语 夏

    I need it !

  • 0
    白阳 周

    I really need this for exhibit our design package!
