Add a side bar

Add a side bar option to the right side of the screen. Include twitter feed. Or recent blog titles, etc.

6 条评论

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    Happiness Officer
    Thanks for sending this in, Pamela! I’ll have the team think of a better way on how we can support it. We’ll keep you posted! :)
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    Big Games
    Hi guys! I highly reccomend you to try AddThis' sidebar service. It's easy to set-up and good design. --> https://www.addthis.com
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    Tom Wray
    Agree with daniel - last 5 tweets would be good.
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    Tom Wray
    Hi, this is something we'd really like too - we want to be able to display our twitter feed on our site via a simple feed display or even a page that allows us to customise the font displayed. Please see here for an example of what I mean... http://thefuturefactory.co.uk/
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    A twitter integration (where you can see the last 5 tweets for example) in general would be helpful, not just as a sidebar
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    Philip Muscatello

    Nothing about this for 3 yeas.  Very keen to see a sidebar for social media feeds.  It looks a bit klunky compared to other sites where it appears as a sidebar.
