正式なコメント Thanks for your patience! We've updated and added image sizing specifications. Please check the articles below and please let us know if you have any other questions!
Background Image Sizing Guide
Image Size GuideWe hope these guides will come in handy for your site build!
What happened to the Image Sizes Spec Sheet? The link above (http://support.strikingly.com/knowledgebase/articles/298210-image-sizes-template-spec-guide) just leads back to general Knowledge Base page. Could you please fix this? Thanks!
Thank you for your feedback! We will update our spec sheet for everyone. For now, here's our guidelines for background images: https://support.strikingly.com/hc/en-us/articles/214364898-Check-Background-Sizes-Settings
Agree. Help?
This is needed still David, please send!
KIndly provide the template size.
Image size templates would be super helpful. Is it up somewhere?
Can you pleeeeeeeeeeease give us the template image size info?? I love strikingly, but this lack of support is really frustrating??
yes where is it?
Has anyone received this template as yet ? Would be great to see a copy ....
It's a shame if they have not yet added the template for users, I remember reading this thread last year and now I am in need of the image /size template
Yes - a PDF or something would be awesome that we can hold on to while formatting websites!