正式なコメント Thanks for posting your idea, Rishabh! We know that having a search function would be a very good feature for your site. We’re looking into this and we’ll get in touch with you once we start working on it. Thanks again for your suggestion! -
Hiya Happiness Officer - any news on this? It would be a great function to have on our site as we have a lot of content and word searches would make it easier for users to navigate the site.
Indeed this will be a great addition.
Site search would be a vital addition for a site I would like to use Strikingly for, but will have to look elsewhere to host it without.
Hello, Officer,
Do u have some news about this subject?
Hi, an update on adding the search function would be really appreciated.
Hello! We're working on it but we have a very rough draft. Can you help us build it better? Send your suggestions and we'll be listening!
I have a counseling website. I would like clients to be able to search blog topics.
I totally agree. Any news on this?
Any updates? I would really appreciate if strikingly provide search function.
We recently released the search function. Check out this article and let us know how you feel about it!