I Want Create a template for weddings

Current wedding website builders are quite woeful. I have found strikingly to be extremely easy to use and the themes are exactly what I look for in design, but one theme it could use is a wedding theme. I have managed to create a wedding website from an available template but it looks the customization to truly flesh out all that I need/want from a wedding website. 

2 commentaires

  • 0
    Happiness Officer

    Hi there! Can you tell me what specific customization you needed? Or maybe, what features did you want for your wedding website? It's something that we can think about but your feedback can really help. 

    Keep us posted! 

  • 0
    Happiness Officer

    Hi there!

    We'll be closing this post as it's a duplicate. Head over here and share your thoughts. Help us decide on which template to build first. Cheers!

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