Blog improvements

2 things our missing: 1. Header on blog (there's logical reason not to have the same header as the website on the blog, this is a major design flaw and a bad UX, please fix ASAP. 2. Option to remove dates from blog posts, again a major design flaw for anyone looking to gain maximum CTRs from evergreen content - this would be an easy fix. 3. Option add a top navigation link yo 3rd party address, such as a google doc for a job listing...

5 commentaires

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    Happiness Officer
    Commentaire officiel

    Thank you so much for your patience! Just a quick update - we just released a hide blog post date functionality. We hope this will give you more flexibility with your content creation. Please send over any other feedback about Simple Blog improvements and happy blogging!

  • 0
    Happiness Officer
    Thanks a lot for your feedback! We really like this suggestions and we’re talking about potential solutions among the team now. Feel free to send in more details on how you want to see this implemented. Thanks!
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    Adam Peterson

    any updates here?

  • 1

    header on the blog is a must!!!  this is enough of an issue to make me have to leave because i can't use tools i pay for because of this one issue.

  • 0
    Adam Peterson

    Hi there, we figured out how to inject a header into the blog. Unfortunately it has to be done to each blog article by adding an HTML section. But it's doable. Note that we are pointing to a 3rd party script so that if/when Strikingly adds this, we can change the content of the script one-time and remove this injected header. Here is an example: http://www.vipecloud.com/blog/rss-to-email-makes-newsletters-simple-for-small-businesses

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