Speed Optimization

How about finding ways to speed up page load times? Maybe there are ways to leverage browser caching or minimizing redirects.

14 commentaires

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    Happiness Officer
    Commentaire officiel

    Hello! We've done the following to make sure your site loads faster:

    1. Inline critical CSS so that there is no need to wait for css file to be loaded

    2. Enabled browser caching for all assets that we own

    If you think your site still doesn't load fast, let us know via chat here or via email here. We'll check it out for you :) 

  • 0
    I need to make efficient browser caching! definitely we need a tool for speed optimization!
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    Joey Krug
    Would be great to have this --- google supposedly ranks you lower if your page is slow to load.
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    Hemis lekala
    also ran my site through the pagespeed insight, got a less than 60 on both desktop and mobile score, how do improve on this as I also used the tinypng to minimise most of my images but that hasn't improved my score.
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    John Soppe
    I used Google's Page Speed Insights (https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/) to evaluate my site's performance. My original score was 33/100. I used their recommendation to optimize the images. Google actually provides the compressed images if you down at the bottom of the page, you can download them by clicking on the link: Download optimized image, JavaScript, and CSS resources for this page.I uploaded these images and my mobile/laptop scores improved to 56/68 out of 100. While that is good, it does recommend other changes, like leveraging browser caching,Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content, enable compression, reduce server response time and minify javascript and CSS. Is there anything that I can do on these to improve the speed of my site?
  • 2
    Tim Bete
    I second this comment. Load speed is VERY slow.
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    Ralph Martinsen
    I'm getting a lot of site load issues as well.
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    Zach Steinbrook
    My personal website consists of a footer and one section (social media). It takes tools.pingdom.com 4.41 seconds to load my website with an 80/100 score and 59 requests. Is it possible to minimize redirects?
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    why is the load speed so slow? Extremely super slow...

  • 1

    I aswell experience very slow loading speeds. I asked about this months ago, and got an answer that Strikingly is doing something about that soon(ish). I really hope loading speeds are getting better asap..

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    Andrew Nicastro

    I am also interested in this. Has anyone recieved any updates on how to improve load speeds?

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    Ali Movahedin

    I also find Strikingly's upload speed to be slow. Takes 3.5 seconds for me, and I don't have too heavy content.

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    Anything happening regarding Leverage browser caching?

    Strikingly? Nothing is done in more than two years.

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    @Strikingly are you going to do anything about this? I'm ready to cancel my subscription to another provider if you do not have any other solutions for the users

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