22 commentaires
Commentaire officiel We aren't able to allow for "migration" but you can link your Wordpress (or other) blog to Strikingly with the external link section. We have also launched Simple Blog, a way for Strikingly users to create, edit, and post blog posts to your sites. For more information on how to add a blog section to your site, click here: http://blog.strikingly.com/strikingly-updates/introducing-strikingly-simple-blog/ -
This is a deal breaker for me. I don't want to work with two sites (wordpress and strikingly). I want everything in one place and to migrate my blog over from wordpress. I have been blogging for many years and doing this manually is not an option! I love what you are doing here at strikingly, saying this, the inability to migrate is a practical issue I can't overlook.
+ 1 ! Why allow Twitter, FB &co feeds -- and not WP ?
Another vote for making WP-integration real.
yes, would love this too. wordpress SEO performance much better than strikingly blog tool (sorry but it's tru!)
Would be great if I could import my posts from my previous Wordpress-based site
WP integration pleeese !
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I would love to see Wordpress integration as an option.
Got my vote. Want it part of my Strikingly website, not an external link. Want to be able to post snippets of the latest blog post on the homepage and to improve SEO.
This would be a huge benefit over other website designers, and I'd love to see it here.
this is key. SEO index root pages better than subdomain such as blog.professorsavings.com
Excellent idea -- definitely needed!
Please do this!!! :-(
It's inexcusable not to seamlessly support the biggest blogging platform in the world. The strikingly blog functionality is basic, at best. Just figure out WP integration asap
Is this set up already ? Would love to start using Strikingly, but I've got well over 100 posts and a manual migration simply isn't an option.
Ditto for Blogger, PLEASE! <3
Dear Strikingly, it would be great for Strikingly to make some comment on the WP blog issue ? Is there an intention to integrate WP blog or not ? The silence is deafening. Let's have a response on this issue. What the plan for WP blog integration ?
Adding my vote here. As Captain Picard would say "Make It So!"
Hello...Strikingly...any comments, suggestions, do you care...don't care... I hear crickets... anybody there!
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