6 comentarios
Comentario oficial Hi Amy! Thanks for reaching out! I've seen you are specially interested in how to display images on the site!
Can you tell me where you would like to link your images from the Gallery to? So we can get a better picture of what you need!
Hi! Thanks! My images are book covers -- I'm a librarian and this is a library website that I've created. Anyway, I'd like to link the images to the library catalog so that students can click on the image and then be taken to the catalog where they can read a summary of the book and check it outif they'd like. So the link would be an external one. Does that make sense? Thanks!
Hi Amy!
Ok I see. We are actually not planning to work on this right now but in your case I think you can find a solution using other sections instead of Gallery. Big Media, Content in Columns or even the Contact section could work for you. All of them have the possibility of adding links to the images!
Let me know how that fits you!
Hi guys, Strikingly is awesome, it would be 10 x more awesome with clickable image links. It is kind of basic functionality for all websites for images to link to internal pages, or external URLS. I have a gallery that I need to be able to link to the new pages in the multiple page feature. Thank you I am sure your geniuses in the Super Secret Strikingly lab can make this happen in 5 minutes with enough pizza and coke over lunch.
Agree. Love Strikingly but without clickable links I will have to go to another solution. I would like to add links to my text lists so e.g. if I have a list of "must see horror movies" I can add a link to each text list item so the user can click and go to website for the horror movie. Love the product but leaving out such basic stuff will force people to use something else. I use Strikingly for my hobby stuff like "Horror Movie" info and use Microsoft Expression and other tools for my own companies website and app websites.
Is my face red! Sorry I just realized you have added this capability! Thanks.