24 comentarios
Comentario oficial Thanks for your suggestion! We're looking into how we'd get this implemented and we'll get in touch with you again as soon as we start working on it. Thanks again for your feedback! -
I'd love this!
+1 pleaaase
Yes please!
Let's be serious now, and implement a basic from integration to zapier ?
It would mean so much.....SO MUCH...to be able to export emails from forms to zapier. That will allow to connect with so many apps.
You send us an email when we get them, we can download a CSV. It's not like you want to lock up the data....
Also, MailChimp pro-forms are so ugly and do not integrate with the form fields built into the designs.
I'm going to have to switch CMS because of this...
I agree! Please!
Any progress here? Would LOVE this!
Any progress? Information?
heyy what about it?
Thanks for all your comments! Can you tell us your use case--what type of tasks do you want to integrate with Zapier? I saw form imports, but what else do you need?
I think one of the most popular use cases for Zapier is to export a new sign up immediately to a EDM or CRM solution.
So: visitor uses sign up to leave email address, Zapier will be triggered and exports the user data to MailChimp, where we can start our automated EDM. -
+1 Paul
+1 Paul
+1 - Need this urgently.
Hi all,
I have a solution that I've crafted and works for me.
It involves the simple use of Google Spreasheets and google app scripts.
Create a spreasheet in google drive
Mark the name of the sheet as Test
Go on tools, click on script editor, copy the script below and click play.
You will need to add permissions for Gmail API under Resources > Advanced Google Services if you have never used it before. The script will access your email, it will find the strikingly emails which are typically subject lines of "commented on your site", it will retreive data on phone, email, comment, and name and paste it into your sheet. Hope you like it.
function retrieveData() {
//author - @DhruvRajGupta
// getting all the first 250 threads , you can change 250 as per the frequency of your mailing system
var threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0,250);
for (var x= 0; x<threads.length; x++){
// getting the messages within the threads
threads[x].refresh(); // refreshing thread
var messages = threads[x].getMessages();
for (var i = 0 ; i < 1; i++) {
//from messages object getting the subject
var subject = messages[i].getSubject();
var jsonstring = JSON.stringify(subject);
// identifying if commented strikingly message is there
var pos = jsonstring.lastIndexOf("commented on your site")
// if strikingly message is there pos will be greater than 0if (pos>0 && thread[x].isUnread()){
messages[i].createDraftReply("Moved to data sheet - thanks Dhruv!");
messages[i].refresh(); // make sure message is upto date
var data = messages[0].getPlainBody();
// getting the non html body
// Logger.log("data is "+data);
//finding position of the breakpoints relavant for extraction
var commentPos = data.lastIndexOf("Comment:")
var emailPos = data.lastIndexOf("Email:")
var phonePos = data.lastIndexOf("Phone:")
var namePos = data.lastIndexOf("Name:")
var replyPos = data.lastIndexOf("To see all responses")
//Logger.log("email pos is " + emailPos);
//Logger.log("phone pos is " + phonePos);
//Logger.log("name pos is " + namePos);
//assigning variables for email, name, phone
var comment = data.substr(commentPos+9, emailPos-commentPos-12);
var email = data.substr(emailPos+7, namePos-emailPos-12);
var name = data.substr(namePos+6, phonePos-namePos-11);
var phone = data.substr(phonePos+7, replyPos-phonePos-8);
Logger.log("phone is-"+phone);
Logger.log("name is-"+name);
Logger.log("email is-"+email);
//accessing the spreadsheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Test');
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
var timestamp = new Date();
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var y = data.length+1;
//on completion mark the mssage as read
} -
Signup and contact form information to zapier.com
seriously guys. It's been three years. Why doesn't this exist yet?
+1 again