
FAQ (About the Idea Forum)

How does the voting system work?

You can give 1 vote for each idea or comment to support it, so keep on eye on the forum!

What does the status mean?

  • None: We haven't checked the idea yet. But we will soon!
  • Planned: Congratulations! We are working on make your feature request come true!
  • Not planned: Unfortunately, this is something we can not support right now. 
  • Answered: This idea is under review. We are investigating if we could make this happen. Stay tuned!

What happen when I follow an idea?

You will receive an email notification if there are new comments or the status is updated.

Why can I not comment on an idea?

This is most probably because there is another existing idea under the same topic. Click on the link you will find on the last comment from the Strikingly team and you will be redirected to the current idea. You can leave your comment there :)

Can I delete my idea?

It’s not possible to delete ideas. For us every single input is really important!

In case you have a typo or anything you want to explain better, you can always edit the idea.

*If you really really want to delete the idea, contact us and we will delete it for you.

What happens if I see an idea/post which has broken a rule? 

Please report the idea/post to the moderators or admin. Write us to support@strikingly.com

What happens if I break a rule?

If you break a rule, then you will either be warned or banned. A ban of your user account may either be temporary or permanent.

*The administrators and moderators also have the right to edit, delete, move or close any idea or post as they see necessary.


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