USER GUIDE (Please, read carefully before starting)

Welcome to Strikingly Idea Forum! Thank you for being a part of us as we grow. Strikingly believes in a simple, delightful site building experience — let us know what you’re trying to do, and we’ll make something people want.

In this post you will find general guidance of what’s this space for. Enjoy and let ideas be shared!


What is Idea Forum for?

This space is for you to let us know any idea that might come to your mind that could help us improve Strikingly. Feel free to add post asking for a new feature or improvements in the current ones.

You can also check other ideas that users have been posting, vote for them if you also would like to see that happen in Strikingly and comment to support them.

(For specific issues/tickets, please email support@strikingly.com so we can help you personally) Cheers!


Using Idea Forum

  • Please, SEARCH first.

 It’s possible that your idea is shared by other users already. Use the search function to check if we are already working on the suggestions you wanted to take. If we do, make sure you vote and/or comment if you have something to add to the current post!

  • Create / comment

If you can’t find any related idea, create your own. To help us along, please include as much detail in your ideas/comments as possible! This may include:

    • How you imagine your idea will look in the editor/on your live site
    • Your particular use case, example scenarios
    • Screenshots, links, and references

Please, make sure your Title is clear, so other users will find your idea while searching for related topics! 

  • Follow ideas / comments (notifications)

If you find an idea that fits with your desire suggestions, you can follow and comment it. You will receive notifications in your email account whenever the idea is updated so you will be able to follow the process and see if we make it happen for you! :)

  • Contact Strikingly for further support. 

For comments related with platform issues and troubleshooting, please contact our awesome support team: support@strikingly.com

Forum rules

  1. Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated !
  2. The forum language is English only. We want to make sure that all of our users are able to understand, comment and share all your ideas!
  3. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed.
  4. Please do not post threads text in all CAPITALS since this is considered to be shouting and is not necessary... 
  5. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum staff will be not tolerated.
  6. Please be considerate in language you use on the forum.
  7. No hacking, and illegal activity, such as torrents and illegal downloads, this will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to local authority.
  8. Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. The policy goes that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it !

We believe these rules are clear, and easy to follow. These are only in place to ensure our community is a fun place to be, and a comfortable atmosphere for all.

Thank you for understanding! Enjoy!


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