add a testimonial section

add a testimonical section


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    Happiness Officer
    Official comment
    Thanks for sending us your suggestion! We're looking into it and we'll keep you posted once we start working in this feature. Thanks again for your feedback!
  • 4

    This should be a must have. As a photographer I am running my website with you from last 2 years and my clients have to send me a feedback through Contact us form and I put it as testimonial afterwards my self (which sucks). Please do something so my clients can directly provide their feedback on my website 

  • 1
    Jyldyz Sattarova

    I would at least like to see the testimonial section looking clean and nice. Using the exisitng forms doesn't make it look like a testimonial. I'd like to put the photos of my customers in a circle frame with a text next to it and be able to title the text, and tag the photo with the name and details of the person. 

    While there are several options for slides, it will be very much appreciated to have several for testimonials as well.

  • 0

    Would be great to have one that posts automatically when people leave reviews or links direct to Google Reviews.

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