I would like the ability to schedule blog posts so that I may prepare them and have them publish at a later date.
I would like the ability to schedule blog posts so that I may prepare them and have them publish at a later date.
Hello there! We'll close this post as it's a duplicate. To share your thoughts and your upvotes, please head over here to bring this feature request forward stronger! When/if we release this feature we'll surely let you know. Cheers!
Totally agree that would be awesome!!!
Yes! This would be so helpful!
Yes. This would be very useful.
The availability for Scheduled Posting would be time-conserving and make strikingly better recognised for it's flexible delivery of content.
Yes please - just asked Strikingly if they could do this. Would be a very handy feature for preparing content in advance and not having to worry that you forget to publish it on time as I did this morning!
Yes i agree completely! this would increase my efficiency tremendously.
Yes please. This would be very helpful. Would make blogging feel a lot less stressful.
I agree! It would be great to have this feature!
waiting for it to happen!
Definitely, this is something that's easily supported on Wordpress and other platforms. Thanks, Strikingly team.
And upvoting this one again! :)
Yes, please! Still waiting on this one... a simple, yet crucial feature.
I'm in dire need of this scheduling function!
Me too! This would be super helpful!!
Me too!