After your customers' complete payment for orders on your site, you can redirect them to another page. Create a custom thank-you page or any other content you want to display to your customers.
You can find the redirection setting in your Store > Store Settings:
To show your customers a specific page on your site (e.g. thank you page) after checkout, select “Redirect to a specific page on this site” and select the page and section you want your customers to see.
You’ll need to activate the multiple-page feature to create a thank-you page. You can then hide that page from your navigation menu, so non-customers won’t see it.
You’ll need to activate the multiple-page feature to create a thank-you page. You can then hide that page from your navigation menu, so non-customers won’t see it.
If you want to link your customers to an external URL after checkout, please select “Redirect to an external URL” and enter your URL.
- The default option is “No redirection, stay on same page”.
Make sure to click “SAVE” after changing this setting!
Note: The redirection settings will apply to orders for all products, including physical, digital, and service products.
If you’re using Strikingly Taiwan Payments and your customer selects UnionPay as a payment method: Due to the particularities of UnionPay, we are not immediately informed if an order paid via UnionPay is successful or not. This means customers using UnionPay will be redirected even if the payment is ultimately unsuccessful. Please be aware of this for your UnionPay customers.