Add Free Shipping Policy

In your store, you can offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount! Use this to incentivize your customers to boost their order amount.

Note: This feature is only available for Pro users and up.



How to Add Free Shipping Policy 

Before setting up the Free Shipping policy, make sure you've set up Shipping for Simple Store.

  1. Go to your site editor > Store > Shipping.


  2. Select a Shipping Option to edit. 


  3. Click the checkbox "Grant free shipping to orders of at least a certain amount (before tax)" and fill in the threshold price:


If you set this threshold price as $100, your customer will have a free shipping fee when they added products of $100 (subtotal) to the cart.


What Your Customer Sees

In the following places, your customers will see the free shipping policy info. Once you have an order over the certain price you set, the shipping fee will be redeemed to 0 in this order. 

Product Detail Page:


Cart Page:


Order Confirmation Page:




What is the Free shipping threshold price based on? Does it count before the discount?

The amount used to check if an order qualifies for free shipping is the subtotal price of items in the customer's cart, before tax and discount. For example, if your store has a $100 free shipping threshold, and a customer has an order with a $120 subtotal, $40 discount, and $10 tax, the customer will be granted a $0 shipping fee. Their total price will be $120 - $40 + $0 + $10 = $90.


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