Strikingly Email: Using Windows Mail to Send and Receive Emails (Windows 8/8.1)

Mail for Windows 8/8.1 (Windows Mail) is the default mail client you can use on your Windows PCs. If you don't have a custom email address, visit Strikingly Email: Creating Custom Email Addresses.

Using Windows 10? Visit Strikingly Email: Using Windows Mail to Send and Receive Emails (Windows 10).



Before You Begin

Prepare your email account and password. Before you set up an email client, make sure you can log in to your webmail, click here to log in to your MyStrikingly Email. To change the system-generated password, visit Strikingly Email: Changing Password.

If you'd like to receive all emails sent to your MyStrikingly email to your other inbox, you can set up email forwarding



To Set Up Windows Mail

1. Open "Mail" from your Windows 8/8.1 PC (it could be anywhere on your Windows 8/8.1 default Start view).


*If you are on the desktop view, you can search for it using the search tool (hover your mouse on the top right corner of your desktop and click the search icon). 


2. Click 'View all in Settings' and select 'Other Account'.



3. Click on the 'IMAP' radio button and click on the 'Connect' button.



4. Fill in your email address and password and click the 'Connect' button. 


5. Fill in the necessary details.

  • Email address - The complete email address of your email account
  • User name - The complete email address of your email account
  • Password - The password for your email account
  • Incoming email server -
    • Port: 993
  • Outgoing (SMTP) email server -
    • Port: 465


6. Once done, click the 'Connect' button. Windows will now configure your email automatically.


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