For sellers in the United States and EU, Simple Store offers a way to charge sales tax on all products in your shop easily. Note that this feature is for users and businesses in the US and EU that have a sales tax ID or VAT. Taxes can be extremely complicated, so be sure to consult a tax professional for questions about applicable tax laws.
Getting Started
To set up sales tax, go to your Simple Store Dashboard and click the "TAXES" tab. Select the applicable Tax Mode from the dropdown.
Once you’ve decided on a tax rate with your tax advisor, enter the tax rate in the field. You can choose to add different rates for all states or varied tax rates based on location.
This will apply the flat tax rate to all orders (excluding shipping). Your tax rate applies to:
- The subtotal before shipping costs are added (if applicable)
- The subtotal after discounts (if applicable)
- Every item in your shop
- Every location you ship to
Taxes will appear in your buyer’s checkout process like this:
- If you enable tax in your store, the tax is calculated by using this formula:
Tax = Price * Tax rate
- If the buyer has a coupon, tax should be applied to the discounted subtotal.
We don’t have an accounting feature for calculating the amount of taxes you’ve collected through your shop, but you’ll be able to export the data through the order management dashboard in a .CSV file by going to your Orders page:
In case you need assistance, shoot us a line at or chat with us.