Link to Email or Phone

How do I link my email address or phone number? 

You can link your email or phone almost the same way you would link anything else!

Linking to texts:

  1. Open the site editor and highlight the text that you want to link to. 


  2. Click the "Add link" button -- it looks like a chain link or a sideways "8."


  3. Put in "" or "tel:8888888888" in the link section! Don't forget to select the correct radio button ("Web" for the phone number, and "Email" for the email address).



  4. Save the changes and test the links on your live site after publishing. 

Note: Click-to-call only works on phones/devices that have this capability. 


Linking to images:

  1. Mouse over the image you'd like to link and click "Edit".

  2. Click the "Add link" button.


  3. Type in "" or "tel:8888888888" in the "Link URL" field!

  4. Save the changes and test the images on your live site after publishing. 

Note: Click-to-call only works on phones/devices that have this capability. 

You can also use Mobile Actions.


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