How do I add a Typeform (custom form) on my app?
If you don't have an account just yet, sign up here.
If you already have an account with Typeform, follow the steps below to learn how to add your forms to your Strikingly site.
1. Add a new section and select the App Store & HTML section.
2. Click "EDIT" and choose the Typeform app.
3. Fill in the details for the app.
"Pop Up" means your form would be presented in a Pop-Up window.
"Inline" means your form would be presented inside a frame within the site.
How to get your FORM URL
Follow the steps below to get your Typeform URL:
3a. If you have an account, head to this page: You will then see the forms you created:
3b1. Click the three dots under the form you want to embed for more options. Select "Copy link".
3b2. Or, you can copy the link in the form editor by clicking the "Share" tab and then the "Copy link" button.
4. Paste the URL onto your Typeform app "Form URL" field and hit "Save".
If you've got questions or have encountered any errors, send us screenshots and a brief description of what you did and tried to do at or chat with us.