Show in iFrame HTML Section

What does the "Show in iFrame" checkbox on the HTML component do?

You can use the HTML section to do a variety of things, from including a Twitter or Facebook feed, an online store, a blog RSS, feed, or embedding another site! What the "Show in iFrame" checkbox does is essentially put the code you pasted/wrote in its own little "window" so that it can be sure to be visible and not affect any of the other code on the page. 


As a general rule:

  • Mainstream HTML embeds (Twitter, Facebook) do not need the box checked.
  • Any code you wrote that has all of the proper closing tags, such as </example> does not need the box checked.
  • Any code that shows another website directly on your Strikingly site may need the box checked.

Sometimes, it's necessary to check this box in order for the page or section to work at all! 


"Show in iFrame" affects mobile compatibility. 
Since using an iframe is a little like looking at the content through a window, the user's computer is not interacting with that content directly and doesn't always know how to respond to it. 

More on why sites may not be showing correctly on mobile.


Use the "Preview" button to see your section live and on different devices or screen sizes.
Remember that what is in the editor is not necessarily what your visitors will see.


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