Embed Slideshare

Can I embed my presentation, deck, slides, PowerPoint, or photo slideshow?

Slideshare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations online. By using the integrated Slideshare app in Strikingly sites, you can share content with your audience just by embedding your presentation.

Here's how!

Step 1: Find a slide on Slideshare

  1. Go to Slideshare.net and look for the presentation you want to embed. 
  2. Once you have a presentation, click on the "Share" button. 

  3. Copy the embed code and paste it on your website. 



Step 2: Add the form to your site

  1. Go to your site editor and click "Add New Section" in the left panel.


  2. Select the "Embed and HTML" section from the section list.


  3. Once it's added, go to the section and click on it to edit. 


  4. From the app list, select "Slideshare".


  5. Paste the embed code from Slideshare in the field and hit "Save". 



In case you need assistance, shoot us a line at support@strikingly.com or chat with us.

Note: Slideshare is available to all users.

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