Embed Disqus Comments section

Comments are a very powerful tool for getting feedback from site visitors. Gladly, our Strikingly sites are integrated with the popular commenting service, Disqus. Registering for a Disqus account is free, you can sign up here. You only need one short name for all your comment sections on your site. 




Step 1: Create your Disqus account 

  1. Register for an admin account at Disqus.com. Be sure to verify your account via email. 
  2. Once logged in on Disqus, choose "I want to install Disqus on my site".


  3. Complete the following fields and remember that the "Website Name" you'll add is going to determine your unique short name. Once you are done, click on "Create Site".

    (NOTE: The short name is NOT the same as your username!)

  4. Accept the installation by clicking the "Got it. Let's get started!" button. If you don't see this notice, you can skip to the next step. 


Step 2: Add Disqus to your Site

  1. Go to your site editor and click "Add New Section" in the left panel.


  2. Select the "Embed and HTML" section from the section list.


  3. Once it's added, go to the section and click on it to edit. 


  4. From the app list, select "Disqus". 


  5. Add the short name given to you by Disqus on the field and hit "Save". 


  6. Here's what it will look like once added:


    (NOTE: If your comments don't show up, republish your site.)


In case you need assistance, shoot us a line at support@strikingly.com or chat with us.

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