Comment with Facebook on Blog

In the apps section there is a 'Comment with Facebook' feature. Can this not be used for the comments on the blog posts instead of Disqus? I have seen it used on other (non-strikingly) websites and it works very well, getting lots of engagement (as it's mega easy, as most people are logged into Facebook anyway) and also gets your website promoted onto Facebook more - which lets face it is where millions of people are at each day!

5 Kommentare

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    Happiness Officer
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    Thanks for your patience! We built our own blog commenting feature for Simple Blog and just released it. You'll be able to add a commenting section to all your blog posts without using Disqus now.

    Although this isn't Facebook's commenting system, we hope this new feature is a good alternative to using Disqus.

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    Permanently deleted user
    Keep upvoting, folks, to keep yourself updated if this feature comes out!
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    Sarah Hudock

    PLEASE give us at least another alternative to using Disqus! Blog owners like Disqus, but our customers and users HATE it!

  • 0
    Andrew Coca

    Pleeeeeeeaasseeeeee developers


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    Yes! We need another alternative, my friends at https://www.uautonoma.cl  hate it.

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