Hide Sections

Ability to hide sections without deleting them.

22 Kommentare

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    Strikingly Tech
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    Thank you so much for your patience!

    We’ve just released "Hide or Deactivate Sections" functionality to all Pro Users. Click here for more details about this feature and let our Happiness team know if you have any questions!

  • 5
    Jim Vaselopulos

    Here is a use-case.    You are working on a section that may take weeks to develop.   A change comes through in a section that is already live.  You want to make the change, but you don't want to lose the work you putting in on the section that might still take weeks.

    If you can hide a section, you can still develop and make changes at different intervals.

    Without this change, you are forced to work offline in other tools to make sure you don't lose any copy or effort you are putting forth..... or you are forced to delete work... or you are forced to delay changes.  Terrible options.


  • 3
    Mark Vandermaas

    This is so important! I hate having to delete sections when all I want to do is hide them for a time. Thks for considering!

  • 3
    Kristin Gomez

    I'm attempting to launch a landing page to the public tomorrow, and then unveil the rest of the site a couple of days later during a press conference. This feature would be super-useful.

  • 2
    Hey the possiblity to add a "hide section" will help us have time and ease to not go make another section by just checking and unchecking the box. Also this hide section is available in other free making websites, so you guys should make this asap.
  • 2
    Colin Kinner

    This would be more than useful for me. Strikingly is moving further up the food chain by enabling multi-page sites (ie. catering to people building more than just a landing page). Allowing users to work on sections without pushing them live is a basic feature, and not having this in Strikingly is really conspicuous. On behalf of all Strikingly power users, please escalate this feature request :)

  • 2

    I concur with all comments & the high priority requirement of this feature to be competitive.   My use case:  I use my page sections for various properties I rent (< 10).  The descriptions of the properties rarely change, so when I want to post them for rent and take them off after rental, I have to screenshot my prose so that when I rent them the next year I can re-type the prose.  I'd rather simply hide the section and preserve the prose (and pictures, etc) for another time.

  • 2
    Shawn Storey

    YES! I would like to hide a section and not have to delete it.

  • 2

    Hiding sections from the MENU is not the same as hiding the SECTION itself. Your fix that you published is not a fix, and this is not answered. You still force us to delete a section in order to hide it on the page. 

    What if something happens 2x per year, and I only want it visible during those 2 times? Right now, I still have to build the page, delete it, then re-create it. This is extremely annoying.

    You are calling this a "fix", but even in your description you write: "you'll be able to hide pages from your navigation menu..." What about hiding pages from the site itself? This is not resolved. It's incorrect to mark this as "answered" because it's not.

  • 2
    Mark Vandermaas

    I'm with Patricia on this. This isn't 'answered.' You guys are great, but you're having a mental block on this maybe? We want to keep a section, but NOT have it show up on the site until we activate it. This doesn't seem hard. :) 

  • 2
    Colin Kinner

    Ditto from me - hiding a section from the navigation menu is a good idea, but in no way answers the multiple requests to be able to hide a section entirely. Wouldn't this be achievable with a simple check box: "Show in site"? It could seat neatly under the "Show in navigation" checkbox :)

  • 2

    I'll echo others. You executed a different feature here.  I must be able to hide a section within a 1 page site (or a multi page site).  That's really the only efficient way I can see that one can preserve text and layout and so forth and easily toggle on and off my real estate listings.

    You guys have a good thing here, but this is a key feature for me that I need to start looking around for, unfortunately.   Can you please mark this as unanswered and/or escalate?

  • 1

    I agree. I have to delete sections, when I only want to re-use them later, but don't want them showing up NOW. I wish we could have this feature. It would help a LOT!

  • 1

    Agree. ...Activate, de-activate, re-activate, etc., based on when we need to show or hide content to users. This would help. I keep deleting my event calendar only to re-populate it again later in the year. It would be nice to hide it and re-activate later.

  • 1

    I must say this feature is growing more and more important to me. I always need to prepare a section a few weeks before it goes online and it's not very smooth at the moment. Hiding from the menu is very good but not the same thing.

  • 1
    Colin Kinner

    Same here - it's enough of an issue for me to actively seek out alternatives to Strikingly :( Please prioritise this relatively simple feature.

  • 1

    This is a priority feature for us.

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user
    Thanks for sending in your idea, Cheekan! Can you let me know your use case? I'd like to know so we can check if this is something that we can implement from our end.
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    Mark Vandermaas

    WORKAROUND: I absolutely LOVE Strikingly, but the inability to hide sections is a 'frustrator' for me. The best workaround I've found is to use the CLONE option in the dashboard (don't publish), then copy and paste from each section. That, of course, only gets the text; you still have to reinsert the images.

    When they do upgrade to allow us to hide sections, I'd love to see a 'copy-&-paste-a-section' feature so you can reuse sections, but... I'll gladly settle for just being able to hide sections. :) Strikingly is awesome and I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually! 

  • 0
    Happiness Officer

    Thanks for your patience! This feature is in our current pipeline - so hold on tight. We're working as fast as we can to deliver this functionality to you. 

    If you're interested in joining the beta list for this feature, ping us here!

  • 0
    Colin Kinner

    Great work folks. This solves a major headache for me and probably a bunch of others. 👍

  • -1
    Happiness Officer

    Hi everyone! We REALLY appreciate your feedback on this functionality. We've just released a hide page feature that allows you to hide pages from the navigation menu. This can be a potential work around for a "draft" mode of your site. 

    Please check out this new functionality and let us know if it's helpful for solving this pain!

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